


  • 邮箱:heshiyuan@btbu.edu.cn









    2013920176月,Texas A&M University, 哲学博士。



    2017920244月, 中国人民大学统计与大数据研究院,助理教授。


    国家自然科学基金青年项目函数型数据分析的积分算子估计——几何降秩模型, 23万元,2021–2024,结项。



    1. Shiyuan He, Jianhua Z. Huang, Kejun He(2023+). Penalized Spline Estimation of Principal Components for Sparse Functional Data: Rates of Convergence. Bernoulli (in press).

    2. Shiyuan He, Hanxuan Ye†, Kejun He (2023+). A Unified Analysis of Multi-task Functional Linear Regression Models with Manifold Constraint and Composite Quadratic Penalty. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(291):1–69. (arxiv.org/abs/2211.04874).

    3. Rui Tuo, Shiyuan He, Arash Pourhabib, Yu Ding, Jianhua Z. Huang (2023). A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach to Functional Calibration of Computer Models. Journal of American Statistical Association. 118(542), 883–897. (Co-first author)

    4. Shiyuan He, Xiaomeng Yan (2022). Randomized Principal Subspace Sampling for Large Scale Functional Data Analysis. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 16(1), 2621–2682.

    5. Fei Ding†, Shiyuan He, David Jones, Jianhua Z. Huang (2022). Functional PCA with Covariate Dependent Mean and Covariance Structure. Technometrics. 64(3), 335–345.

    6. Shiyuan He, Xiaomeng Yan (2020). Randomized Estimation of Functional Covariance Operator via Subsampling. Stat.

    7. Shiyuan He, Jianxin Yin, Hongzhe Li, and Xing Wang (2014). Graphical Model Selection and Estimation for High Dimensional Tensor Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 128, 165–185.


    1. Haishan Ye, Shiyuan He, Xiangyu Chang(2024). DINE: Decentralized Inexact Newton with Exact Linear Convergence Rate. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 72, 143–156.

    2. Shuoli Chen†, Kejun He, Shiyuan He, Yang Ni, Raymond Wong (2023). Bayesian Nonlinear Tensor Regression with Functional Fused Elastic Net Prior. Technometrics, 65(4):524–536. (alphabetic order).

    3. Jiahao Cao†, Shiyuan He, Bohai Zhang# (2023). Spatial Linear Regression with Covariate Measurement Errors: Inference and Scalable Computation in a Functional Modeling Approach. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 32(4).

    4. Shiyuan He, Hanxuan Ye†, Kejun He (2022). Spline Estimation of Functional Principal Components via Manifold Conjugate Gradient Algorithm. Statistics and Computing. 32(6): 106.

    5. Shiyuan He, Kejun He, Jianhua Z. Huang (2022). Improved Estimation of High-dimensional Additive Models Using Subspace Learning. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 31(3), 866–876.


    1. Shiyuan He, Zhenfeng Lin, Wenlong Yuan, Lucas M. Macri, Jianhua Z. Huang (2021). Simultaneous inference of periods and period-luminosity relations for Mira variable stars. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 15(2), 662–687.

    2. Xin Kang†, Shiyuan He, Yanxia Zhang (2021). A novel stellar spectrum denoising method based on deep Bayesian modeling. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 21(7), 169.

    3. Anupam Bhardwaj#, Shashi Kanbur, Shiyuan He., et al. (2019). Multiwavelength Period-Luminosity and Period-Luminosity-Color relations at maximum-light for Mira variables in the Magellanic Clouds. The Astrophysical Journal, 154(4), 149.

    4. Shiyuan He, Jianhua Z. Huang, Lifan Wang (2018). Characterization of Type Ia Supernova Light Curves Using Principal Component Analysis of Sparse Functional Data. The Astrophysical Journal, 857(2), 110.

    5. Shiyuan He, Jing Du, Jianhua Z. Huang (2017). A Singular Value Decomposition Feature Extraction (SVDFE) Method for Cost Performance Forecasting. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 31(5), 04017043.

    6. Wenlong Yuan, Shiyuan He, Lucas M. Macri, James Long, Jianhua Z. Huang, (2017). The M33 Synoptic Stellar Survey II. Mira Variables. The Astronomical Journal, 153(4), 153–170.

    7. Wenlong Yuan, Lucas M. Macri, Shiyuan He, Jianhua Z. Huang, Kanbur, S. M., Ngeow, C. C. (2017). Large Magellanic Cloud Near-infrared Synoptic Survey. V. Period–Luminosity Relations of Miras. The Astronomical Journal, 154(4), 149.

    8. Shiyuan He, Wenlong Yuan, James Long, Lucas M. Macri, Jianhua Z. Huang (2016). Period Estimation for Sparsely Sampled Quasi-periodic Light Curves Applied to Miras. The Astronomical Journal, 152(6), 164–175.