1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,凸几何中蒙日-安培型方程的研究,2021年1月-2024年12月,主持;
2. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,对偶Orlicz-Minkowski 问题及相关曲率流,2021年1月-2023年12月,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金专项项目,Monge-Ampere型方程及相关研究,2022年1月-2026年12月,参与;
4. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,几何中一类退化蒙日安培类型方程的研究,2017年1月-2019年12月,主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,有关Willmore若干问题的研究,2013年1月-2015年12月,主持;
6. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,有关Willmore奇点问题的研究,2013年1月-2015年12月,主持;
7. 北京市属高校高层次人才引进与培养:青年拔尖人才资助,仿射平均曲率流的研究与应用,2013年1月-2015年12月,主持;
8. 北京市组织部优秀人才项目,一类四阶曲率流奇点发生时间与曲率渐近性质的研究,2012年9月-2014年12月,主持;
9. 国家自然科学基金天元基金,有关Willmore流长时间存在性与收敛性问题的研究,2011年1月-2011年12月,主持;
10. 中国博士后科学基金,有关四阶曲率流的研究,2008年7月-2009年6月,主持。
在《Transactions of the American Mathematical Society》等国内外期刊发表论文 20 余篇,主要有:
[1] Liu Y. N. and Lu J., On the number of solutions to the planar dual Minkowski problem, arXiv: 2209.15385.
[2] Liu Y. N. and Lu J., A generalized Gauss curvature flow related to the Orlicz-Minkowski problem. arXiv: 2005.02376.
[3] Li Y., Li M. N. and Liu Y. N., Boundary regularity for k-Hessian equations, Acta Math. Sin., English Series, 2023, 39 (12): 2393–2413.
[4] Li Y., Liu Y. N. and Zhang W. W., Blow up of solutions for a transport equation with nonlocal velocity and damping, J. Math. Phy., 2023, 64(9): No. 091503, 24 pp.
[5] Liu Y. N. and Lu J., A flow method for the dual Orlicz-Minkowski problem, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2020, 373: 5833-5853.
[6] Chen L., Liu Y. N., Lu, J. and Xiang, N., Existence of smooth even solutions to the dual Orlicz-Minkowski problem., J. Geom. Anal., 2022, 32 (2): 40, 25 pp. 35-96 .
[7] Li B. Y., Ju H. J. and Liu Y. N., A flow method for a generalization of Lp Christofell - Minkowski problem., Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 2022, 21 (3): 785-796.
[8] Fang F. and Liu Y. N., Global existence and finite time blow-up for the heat flow of H-system with constant mean curvature, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2022, 45(16): 9678-9695.
[9] Ju H. J., Li B. Y. and Liu Y. N., Deforming a convex hypersurface by anisotropic curvature flows, Advanced Nonlinear Studies., 2021, 21(1): 155-166.
[10] Li Y. and Liu Y. N., Optimal global regularity for minimal graphs over convex domains in hyperbolic space, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2022, 17(5): 905-914.
[11] Liu Y. N., Inscribed radius estimates for inverse curvature flow in sphere and hyperbolic space, Nonlinear Analysis, 2017, 155:198-206.
[12] Liu Y. N. and Ju H. J., Non-collapsing for a fully nonlinear inverse curvature flow, Comm. Pure App. Anal., 2017, 16(3): 945-952.
[13] Liu Y. N. and Ju H. J., Evolution of convex surfaces by a fully nonlinear flow, Nonlinear Analysis, 2016, 130: 47-58.
[14] Ju H. J. and Liu Y. N., Dirichlet problem for anisotropic prescribed mean curvature equation on unbounded domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2016(439): 709-724.
[15] Han Q. and Liu Y. N., Degenerate hyperbolic equations with low degree degeneracy, Proc. Amer. Mathematical Society, 2015, 143(2): 567-580.
[16] Liu Y. N., Inverse mean curvature flow with forced term, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2014(410): 918-931.
[17] Liu Y. N. and Cao L. F., Lifespan theorem and Gap lemma for the globally constrained Willmore flow, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 2014, 13(2):715-728.
[18] Liu Y. N., Gradient flow of the Helfrich functional, Chin. Ann. Math., 2012, 33(6): 931-940.
[19] Liu Y. N., Evolution of hypersurfaces by powers of mean curvature, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2012, 7(4): 717-724.
[20] Jian H. Y. and Liu Y. N., Ginzburg-Landau vortex and mean curvature flow with external force field. Acta. Math. Sin. English Series, 2006, 22(6): 1831-1842.
[21] Liu Y. N. and Jian H. Y., Evolution of hypersurfaces by mean curvature minus external force field. Science in China (Ser A), 2007, 50(2): 231-239.
[22] Jian H. Y. and Liu Y. N., Long-time existence of mean curvature flow with external force fields. Pacific J. Math., 2008, 234(2): 311-324.
[23] Liu Y. N. and Jian H. Y., Evolution of spacelike hypersurfaces by mean curvature minus external force field in Minkowski space. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2009(9): 513-522.
[24] Liu Y. N. and Jian H. Y., A curve flow evolved by a fourth order parabolic equation. Science in China, Ser A, 2009, 52(9): 2177-2184.
[25] Liu Y. N., Evolution of noncompact hypersurfaces by mean curvature minus a kind of external force field, Front. Math. China, 2010, 5(2): 311-317.
[26] Jian H. Y., Ju H. J., Liu Y. N. and Sun W., Symmetry of translating solutions to mean curvature flow,Acta Math. Sin. English Series, 2010, 30B(6): 2006-2016.